Gas to Power at World Gas Conference
Bill Kemp on Gas to Power at the WGC 2018, June 29th
Renewables and gas can complement each other well in the most cost-effective pathways toward a sustainable energy system. Gas is better suited to meet more intense energy needs in industrial, heating and transportation end uses, and to provide extended duration backup for renewables. Current and emerging gas technologies (with renewable gas) can help greatly to increase energy efficiency and reduce or eliminate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. A balanced portfolio that leverages the strengths of the major energy sources can meet COP 21’s long-term decarbonization goals at much lower cost, with greater energy system reliability and resilience.
Bill Kemp will present at the World Gas Conference on June 29th
Gas: Bridge Fuel or Long-Term Solution?
Selections from the World Gas Conference Presentation
The World Gas Conference, is hosted every three years by the International Gas Union (IGU). It has been the leading global gas industry event since 1933. In WGC 2015 the presidency transferred from France to the United States. This year WGU 2018 theme is “Fueling the Future” and features the US Department of Energy Secretary, Rick Perry and leading energy participants and thought leaders from around the world. The next World Gas Conference will be held in 2021 and led and hosted by Korea.
Bill Kemp is a recognized thought leader in the energy and gas industry economics. He is a member of the IGU Utilization Committee and testified as an expert witness on a wide range of energy issues.