Lazard's Levelized Cost of Storage analysis provides a transparent, logical methodology for comparing the cost of energy storage across distinct use cases for more than a dozen storage technologies.
Utilities, third-party providers, and users can use the levelized approach to get an apples-to-apples comparison of costs across multiple technologies within specific, real-world use cases for energy storage.
Enovation Analytics worked with Lazard to develop the methodology, gather the data, and conduct the analysis for their three Levelized Cost of Storage study.
The most recent version was released in the November 2017 LCOS Report.
Levelized Cost of Storage Comparison - $/MWh. source: Lazard and Enovation estimates
LCOS 3.0 Chart of FTM: Peaker Replacement, Distribution, Microgrid; BTM: Commerical, Residential
LCOS 3.0 Full Study and Executive Summary
LCOS 3.0
Executive Summary
LCOS 3.0
Full Study
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Enovation's full suite of Distributed Energy analytics supports decisions to match storage with other technologies, and evaluate projects with precision for individual customers, rate class and locations.
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